Epilog 1.2.9 – Tesla Themes

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $5.00.

Nowadays it’s really important for your blog to be enjoyable to readers and readable by search engines. Readers must have the possibility read with pleasure and to navigate easily through the website. While search engines have to make sure your code validates and it’s bug free. That’s why we at Teslathemes created the Epilog WordPress theme to help you stand out of the crowd with a web site with neat design, well thought code and fast loading time.

Epilog was built with bloggers in mind, precisely designed and correctly coded. Touch your readers with clean posts that are easy to read and engage readers to read more and more. Not to forget our premium support service that will guide you when needed.

This and 4000+ plugins and themes can be downloaded as a premium member for only $19.

Join VIP Now !
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Epilog 1.2.9 – Tesla Themes