AffiliateWP Direct Link Tracking V1.1.4 – AffiliateWP

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $5.00.

Direct Link Tracking allows affiliates to link directly to your site without the need for an affiliate link.

This is a major incentive for your affiliates, and may help earn you more money.

If a visitor recognizes an affiliate link whilst on an affiliate’s site, they’ll know the affiliate will earn a commission if they click that link and purchase your product. In some instances, an affiliate link may make a visitor skeptical of your site content, and they won’t click the link. A potential customer turned off by an affiliate link could mean a missed sale for you (and a missed commission for your affiliate).

By using Direct Link Tracking, visitors will be completely unaware of any affiliate links, greatly increasing the chance of clicking a link to your site and going on to complete a purchase. You’ll be happy because you get more sales, and your affiliates will be happy because they earn more commission.

This and 4000+ plugins and themes can be downloaded as a premium member for only $19.

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AffiliateWP Direct Link Tracking V1.1.4 – AffiliateWP